Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Happy 2019 Everyone!

Yes it's belated, didn't have net for most of December and part of January. I still have a very optimistic outlook for 2019 and that keeps me going. Speaking of, I was given 60 packs of cards ranging in years from 1989 to 1992 for Christmas and a Samsung Tab A and I have a database program on there that sorts everything and spits out as a spreadsheet so i'm very excited to see how much of the collection I can cram into the program before it yells at me that there's no more room :D I might actually get the collection sorted this year which would be nice since I've been dragging my feet on it since I got that major box of cards a few years ago. For those curious or are happy, the YouTube series I was trying to push is done. It didn't do what it was suppose to do and that was to bring people here, so my next thought is to try to get the site in the top slot on search results. See if that does anything. Spreadsheet: Link Here's to a new year, Matt