Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Closing out 2019

So it's become that wondrous time of the year again - yes it's getting close to ending 2019 and welcoming 2020 as a new year of hope. This blog's always on my mind even as I'm working through other projects(like the webcomic that started up in August). That said, I've purged the youtube and twitch vids. It was an idea, plain and simple, and since it didn't go over as well as I'd hoped, there's no reason to keep them around any longer. I've also returned the site back to its previous layout - someone messaged me over Gmail and asked what anime and baseball had to do in common, and it struck me that maybe I'm putting too much 'me' into here. I think it all went along the lines of trying to improve what I saw as an already good thing(again was wrong so that's 2 for 2). I was also noted by a Google rep that they plan to keep Blogger around for as long as it's being used, which further led me to research some things and confirmed what I thought: Blogger makes more money than YouTube(then again at this point, even yahoo makes more money than YouTube so...). I'm also now set up east of Kingman, AZ for those that follow what goes on in my personal life. So what does this mean for The Card Collector? This means since I only really have three projects on my plate, I can dive back into this. Not once did I ever think of giving it up, putting it on the back burner, or want to do something precarious to it - so that's something. That said, the project still runs off donations and I'm always still accepting cards no matter what they are or their condition. I think if I do what I do here, everything else will take care of itself. Merry Christmas everyone, Matt ^_^

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