Monday, June 15, 2020

Not Dead Yet!

Hiya folks! 2020's been an off year for me and 2021 doesn't look to be any better. That said, I'm still here and still collecting cards even though we're still in the middle of what can only be described as half-end times. So the first thing was President Trump passed a stimulus to qalifying residents of the USA and territories(not many knew that). Many went out and bought a bigger tv while others attempted to bank pile it only to discover that they couldn't or their branch went under, etc... I bought a 3d printer and some fillament while waiting for the price of diesel to drop(and it did for awhile). I bought the EasyThreed X1 for $100 off Amazon and two rolls of fillament for $50. What does a 3d printer have to do with this blog? Well for a time I was tossing back and forth how I was going to go about storing the cards that are in the collection in a way where they wouldn't get damaged. Now, the print bed on the X1 is 100x100x100mm which is fine for what I need it for, so I opened up Sketchup, put together a card box, put some pins in it, a top rail, and split it up before sending it to Blender to convert to STL before sending it to the printer's software that uses gcode. It's alot simpler when you do it a few times.

Below is a pic of the X1, and the front part of the card box i printed. If anyone has a 3d printer and wants the STL files to make your own, message me and I'll send them along as they'll work with other types of cards not just Baseball.

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